Tag Archives heyitsfeiii

My Thoughts During Beautycon LA 2018

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Beautycon LA 2018

Beautycon LA 2018 Yuki Bomb

During Beautycon LA this year, I was honored to be welcomed onto the infamous pink carpet of Beautycon. On the pink carpet, I was interviewed a few times and the question that stuck with me the most is, “what does beauty mean to you”. I was so nervous that I actually cannot remember what I said and probably said something ridiculous, but I was truly thinking along other lines.

What is Beauty?

Beautycon LA 2018 Yukibomb Amore Pacific Booth

When doing a Google search on the definition of “beauty”, here is the first definition that is provided: 




  1. a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.


When you look at the definition, isn’t “pleasing aesthetic senses” subjective since everyone has personal preferences? The definition that Google provided feels like a trap into conformity. To me, beauty should strike an emotion or sensation; Beauty doesn’t have to be pretty or ugly, but it should stimulate the mind and evoke feelings. These feelings can be sadness, love, acceptance, connection or relation.


What is true beauty?

Yuki Bomb at Beautycon LA 2018

I remember once attending an amazing orchestra in Costa Mesa, California. During the orchestra, a very talented guitarist Pablo Villegas, made me awe in admiration while tears had fallen down my cheeks and soaked my handkerchief. I was overwhelmed by what the music held: mixed emotions drifting and echoing throughout the hall and was embraced by its wonderful composition of the experiences of the soul. To me, that feeling of connection with the artist is one of the many true forms of beauty…

Yuki Bomb at Becca Cosmetics Booth during Beautycon LA 2018
Becca Cosmetics

Other than the interviews on the pink carpet, I really enjoyed my time at Beautycon La. What is special about Beautycon LA is that you get to meet brands and other influencers directly and see the human side of each company or brand.

YukiBomb at Beautycon LA 2018
Reunited with Wendy Park

Final Thoughts…

@purewow @blinkbeauty @yukibomb during Beautycon LA 2018

For my last thoughts, I cannot believe I let 8 months pass without updating myself on my very own website. I am proud to be back (again) with my thoughts on beauty and Beautycon LA. Instagram was the only social platform that I was active on during my absence on this site.  Although it connected me with others, I felt pressure on Instagram, which is why I am here now. This past year, I went through many changes mentally.

@heyitsfeiii and @yukibomb
(from left) Yuki, heyitsfeiii, Shiko, Wendy Park at the Amore Pacific Booth during Beautycon LA

I feel like I was becoming more of a woman with certain needs such as settling down, wanting to build real relationships, relationships with others where my family would know their names, and to give myself more “me time”. I wanted to become more connected with myself.  I was longing to listen to my mind, body, heart, and soul. Here is a new beginning and I can’t wait to share it. Thank you for reading. <3

YukiBomb with Clabiane Kbeauty Brand during Beautycon LA 2018
K-beauty Brand: Clabiane

Beautycon LA 2018 VLOG: