Tag Archives healthy skin

How to Get Glowing Skin – The Little Changes I Made

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Glowing skin has always been a challenge to me throughout high school, college, and post-college. I would always break out and my skin would look so dull to where medium coverage foundation wouldn’t help. Although, I must admit that I had a horrible sleeping schedule and eating habits; I would eat Hot Cheetos late at night, sleep for less than 4 hours, eat fast food since I was always in a rush, and so much more to where I’m embarrassed to tell you!

In the past year, my schedule changed so drastically due to a new full-time job as a social media specialist. I’m happy at what I do, but a full-time job and blogging/modeling on the side has a very high demand for my time and energy. Getting glowing skin was not the top of my “to-do” list, but the healthy change of my eating habits, as well as a strict sleeping schedule, and other things benefitted me greatly skin and health-wise. Let’s get into my 4 steps into having glowing skin.

The Changes I Made that Resulted in Glowing Skin

How to Get Glowing Skin  - Full feature on TheYukiBomb.com

1. Beauty Sleep

I sleep about 7 hours every night

First of all, I think people don’t fully understand how damaging the lack of sleep is. For instance, can cause stress hormones to increase and thus, causing inflammatory issues with the skin such as acne, increased sensitivity, and more. Also, an increase in inflammatory cells causes the body to breakdown collagen and hyaluronic acid which are the molecules that helps with glowing skin. I sleep about 7-8 hours a night to help with my body’s water balance.

2. You Are What You Eat – Eat to Nourish

How to Get Glowing Skin - acai bowl - healthy meals
Eat to Nourish Glowing Skin

Second, making better food choices that benefit glowing skin. My mentality towards eating is to “eat for nourishment & energy”. Every morning, I’ll have oatmeal made with soy milk, honey, and a handful of blueberries for breakfast. Sometimes, I’ll add a glass of carrot juice as my beverage. I’m also crazy for acai bowls for breakfast! For lunch, I would always meal prep to plan and balance what I eat. A few foods that I like to prepare are brown rice or sweet potato, protein (fatty fish like salmon. mackerel, herring – omega-3 is great for glowing skin!), fruits & veggies. Then, snacks for in-between meals would include unsalted nuts, kale chips, and non-dairy yogurt. As for dinner, I’ll have something similar to lunch. I must admit, about once a week I’ll eat whatever I’m craving for! I believe it’s okay to treat yourself once in a while.

3. Drink Water – H20 to the Rescue!

How to Get Glowing Skin

Third, water is a super essential part of having glowing skin! For instance, my parents always forced me to drink plenty of water so I’m used to chugging throughout the day by always leaving my water glass full on my desk. Tip: add lemon to add extra benefits like vitamin C! Oh, and do yourself a favor and keep it away from your laptop… Lol.

4. Skincare Routine

How to Get Glowing Skin - Full feature on TheYukiBomb.com

I have always been strict and obsessed with skincare. My first skincare regimen was Japanese Beauty (read about it here). I started exploring & adopting skincare into my routine starting at the age of 18. However, my skincare regimen often changes due to specific needs and weather conditions. The most basic foundation of my skincare regimen morning & night is:

Summary and Other Tips

How to Get Glowing Skin - Full feature on TheYukiBomb.com

It’s also important to know what you’re allergic to! Last year,I was having eating problems and my doctor ordered an allergy test for me. I found out that I was allergic to dairy! Crazy, right? I consumed small amounts of dairy almost every day prior to the allergy test. After I cut dairy out of my diet, I noticed a significant improvement to my skin in just 1 month.

In summary, having an overall healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with achieving glowing skin. Changing one’s lifestyle may be difficult at first, but after pushing through for about a month you’ll start feeling better. In addition, you’ll have better chances of achieving glowing skin. I can’t promise that my lifestyle will improve your skin, but it works for me and hopefully, it’ll work for you, too. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me down below. Thanks for reading! <3